Monday, September 5, 2011

Educator! Educate thyself!

Today is the Teachers’ Day.  But for   Radha Krishan ‘s birth day we would have forgotten the value of a teacher in the era of Globalization. An individual has been turned into a commodity and his growth is measured and his personality is assessed in the interests of market only. We have missed our goal for the sake of means . At this juncture  what  Radha Krishan says  on Tagore’s views on education are worth remembering.
 Children must not be treated as raw stuff on which we impose our powerful wills. We turn children into a corrupt version of our sick selves. Children  should understand and harmonize themselves with nature. The monstrous sin of pride make us distort their true and natural  selves. The child is unable to act as a Promethean and defy our world of ‘eternal’ truths. We must free the young from the dictatorship of the past  and allow him to develop[self-direction. “Coercion is an evil . It destroys what is natural and sacred in the child, the capacity for thinking and acting according to what he knows to be true and good.” If a child’s personality is not respected,  he may turn into a stupid and an anti-social. ” Children are promise of the future . They must be trained to reveal the treasure that is in the human soul” (127).

Thursday, September 1, 2011


Anna's movement against corruption is a movement against political and personal corruption that has weakened India, especially after Globalization. if Gandhi were alive, he would have truly supported this move. The weapon of Fasting has again become rust-free. Many such moves are needed to cleanse Indian society that has become spineless and passive in the face of gargantuan corruption. Some awareness has come into existence. It has to be broadened and deepened. This is the fight of all. Though it may take long long time, the fight is worthy. political corruption, financial corruption, and mental corruption have become order of the day. Will power and technology and rule of law will certainly curb the cancer of corruption and rejuvenate the nation. The argument that corruption is universal is no solace for a nation of 120 crores. If India has to develop as an advanced country, let alone as a super power, the removal of corruption is an inevitable thing. This is really another freedom struggle.